Home / Organizational Change

Equip Your Leadership Team

Arrabon’s workshop track equips leadership teams to demonstrate the transforming power of reconciliation. Learn the skills, habits, and practices needed to build a reconciling community.

Prep | Equip | Build

Foundation of a Reconciling Community

Gain relational skills to address the complicated emotions of fear, anger, shame, and grief which often arise in the work of racial healing and reconciliation.

In-Person: 1 day
Live Online
Online: 4 Weeks, 90 min/week

Prep | Equip | Build

Pillars of a Reconciling Community

Gain shared knowledge and language to cultivate a shared vision of reconciliation

In-Person: 2 days
Live Online
Online: 6 Weeks, 90min/week
In-Person: 2 days

Prep | Equip | Build

Action Plan for a Reconciling Community

Discern strategic next steps towards becoming a more reconciling community.

In-Person: 2 days

Each of these workshops are followed by consultation calls— supportive, shepherding conversations for senior leaders to discern how to navigate the difficult terrain of reconciling work.

Our training with Arrabon encouraged us to take a more active role in reconciling our community. I’ve already started to implement the things I learned in conversations with those I lead in my home, my organization and in my community. This was a blessing!”

Leslie Lamb, Counselor with Mercy Multiplied

Our holistic approach provides every type of community with a pathway to reconciliation.

Create lasting
cultural change

Discover new ways to innovate and create a culture of reconciliation.

Learn how the Bible relates to today’s challenges

Engage your community in learning and discussing where race, class, and the Bible intersect.

Have a question?  We are here for you.