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Support Arrabon

Your gift allows Arrabon to bring biblical reconciliation and racial healing to a broken and divided world.


Arrabon relies on supporters like you to help Christian communities discover how to become places of hope and repair. Your generosity makes reconciliation possible.

Our Experience

From churches and denominations to schools and national ministry organizations, we help a wide variety of Christian communities discover how they can put reconciliation into practice. Arrabon serves as a trusted advisor, providing a biblically-grounded and pastoral approach that holds space for a wide range of conversations and experiences.

Going through Race, Class, and Kingdom of God with our small group empowered us — and subsequently our church — to better understand and get more engaged in seeing racial healing as part of our spiritual formation.”

Jenifer Healy, Restoration Anglican Church, VA

Arrabon cultivates Christian communities to pursue healing and reconciliation in a racially divided world.

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