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Pillars of a Reconciling Community

Your leadership team will gain shared knowledge, language, and vision as you learn the necessary building blocks of a reconciling community.

Course Description and Details

The first in a series of courses exclusively designed for leadership teams, Pillars equips organizational leaders with the basic context and tools needed for building a reconciling community. Anchored in a biblical vision of reconciliation, and including a history of race and its impact on our society, this course ultimately aims to help your team better understand what it means to embark on a transformational journey to become a more reconciling community. Sessions emphasize group participation and include teaching, group discussion, breakout groups, journaling and regular homework between sessions to help participants and teams apply learning in their context.


  • The Biblical Foundation for Reconciliation
  • History of Race in America
  • Strategies for Pursuing Reconciliation in Context


  • Understand the connections between race, faith, and society
  • Develop shared knowledge, language, and vision for how a reconciling community operates
  • Determine the organizational growth needed to become more of a reconciling community
IN-PERSON: 2 days

Live Online

  ONLINE: 6 weeks,
90 min/week
IN-PERSON: 2 days

Group Rates $97+

Session 1: The Reconciling Community House

1. Define what a reconciling community is and how it operates.

2. Assess how your community currently embodies the key features of a reconciling community.

3. Discuss the potential effects of not operating as a reconciling community.

4. Compose a list of reasons why the call to become a reconciling community is important for your organization.

Session 2: Reconciliation is Spiritual Formation

1. Analyze what has shaped our perceptions of reconciliation (particularly in relation to race)

2. Define reconciliation from a biblical standpoint

3. Examine where you may tend to lean towards false forms of reconciliation

4. Discern the top strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats around building Reconciliation as Spiritual Formation as your foundation

Session 3: Building Cultural Intelligence

In this session, we will:

1. Ground our understanding of culture through Scripture and helpful definitions

2. Construct a list of cultural norms within your organization

3. Assess how your cultural norms impact your ability to be a reconciling community

Session 4: Understanding Historical Context

In this session, we will:

1. Consider how the imago dei impacts our ability to empathize with the lives and experience of others.

2. Consider how aspects of our identity and formation impact the way we interpret our American racial landscape.

3. Explore key moments in American history around race and culture.

4. Define important terminology around race and our racial history.

5. Discuss why common language is important in the life of a reconciling community.

Session 5: Working Across Difference

In this session, we will:

1. Identify barriers to positive cross-cultural interactions and collaborative opportunities

2. Discuss the importance of both serving and being served

3. Evaluate the four models of cross-cultural engagement and how they are operating within your context

Session 6: Creating New Culture

In this session, we will:

1. Discuss the importance of imagination in the life of a reconciling community

2. Ground culture-making in a theology of creativity

3. Design a vision for your impact as a reconciling community

4. Review takeaways from this course and consider some next steps

Going through Race, Class, and Kingdom of God with our small group empowered us — and subsequently our church — to better understand and get more engaged in seeing racial healing as part of our spiritual formation.”

Jenifer Healy, Restoration Anglican Church, VA

List of organizations who have taken the course:

  • Mercy Multiplied
  • Westmont College
  • The HE Butt Foundation
  • The Colossian Forum
  • and more…

Empower your team for transformation

Strengthen your leadership and transform your organization with the help of our team training.

Create lasting cultural change

Discover ways to innovate and create together towards reconciliation.

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