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Engaging Your Community
Explore together how complicated emotions and power dynamics can negatively affect even the most sincere efforts to become a reconciling community and learn tools to engage more effectively.
Course Description and Details
Leadership teams may continue applying the learning they received in Creating an Action Plan with this course focused on strategies for cross-cultural engagement and building discipleship skills to deal with the strong, unexpected emotions that often surge when engaging in conversations around race, class, and culture. Sessions include teaching, large and small group discussions, case studies, scenario practice, and engagement with real-time issues that emerge in the context of participants’ leadership.
- Emotional Health and Discipleship
- Cross-Cultural Engagement
- Power Dynamics and Ministry
- Develop skills to shepherd others through complicated situations
- Acquire discernment tools to develop cross-cultural ministry relationships
- Build confidence for engaging the community inside and outside your organization

IN-PERSON: 2 days
 ONLINE: 6 weeks, 90 min/week
IN-PERSON: 2 days
Group Rates from $1500+

Week 1: Discipling Through Fear
Learn to differentiate between fear-based reactions and the real fears that inhibit the ability to grow towards one another
and respond to the Spirit’s leading.
- Recognize the threats and opportunities that exist around negative emotions
- Analyze your own fear-based reactions
- Identify best and worst practices for responding to expressions of fear
- Practice discipleship skills in real-life situations relating to fear
Week 2: Discipling Through Anger
Engage what Scripture reveals about anger, and learn to acknowledge and work through anger as you pursue true
reconciliation within community.
- Define a biblical view on anger
- Identify actions, words, and topics that trigger your anger
- Learn to discern between helpful and unhelpful ways of responding to anger
- Analyze the potential value of positive expressions of anger in your community
- Practice discipleship skills in real-life situations relating to anger
Week 3: Discipling Through Shame
Understand why shame manifests in certain ways within yourself and your community and learn healthy ways to deal with shame.
- Identify the differences between shame and guilt
- Discover common ways that shame shows up within communities
- Diagnose the spiritual formation weak points in your community that contribute to shame
- Reflect on personal shame warning signs
- Practice discipleship skills in real-life situations relating to shame
Week 4: Discipling Through Grief
Learn how to grieve as an individual and as a community in a way that leads to renewal.
- Name personal feelings around your interactions with grief
- Reflect on ways that you and/or your community have experienced grief in the past years
- Discuss whether your community is positioned to grieve with hope
- Identify good and bad tactics when interacting with those who are grieving
- Practice discipleship skills in real-life situations relating to grief
Session 5: Models of Cross-Cultural Engagement Pt. 1
Explore how your personal and organizational identities impact your cross-cultural relationships and outreach ministry.
- Identify the factors of your social identity that could impact the way your actions are received
- Discuss the importance of serving and being served
- Analyze your outreach/missional projects and what styles of cross-cultural engagement they currently operate in
Week 6: Models of Cross-Cultural Engagement Pt. 2
Continue the discussion about cross-cultural engagement by exploring collaborative opportunities and the gift of cross-cultural partnerships of mutuality.
- Plan how to increase the maturity of your current cross-cultural partnerships
- Explore opportunities for more collaborative relationships and projects within your community
- Name your organizational values and priorities and discuss how they impact your community outreach strategies

Create a Long-Lasting Culture Shift
Transform your organization with the help of our team training.

Create lasting cultural change
Discover ways to innovate and create together towards reconciliation.