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Become a Reconciling Community
A Reconciling Community is a group of people committed to a rhythm of life together that helps them become a foretaste of the kingdom of God on earth.
Reconciling Communities:
- Join God in healing spiritual, emotional, relational, and societal brokenness.
- Are committed to practicing reconciliation as spiritual formation.
- Are biblically-grounded in their approach.
- Are committed to understanding their context, its nuances, and how to best embody reconciliation.
- Respond to conflict and problems with a posture of curiosity, creativity, and imagination.

Arrabon’s series of workshops equips leadership teams to demonstrate the transformative power of reconciliation. Learn the skills, habits, and practices needed to build a reconciling community.

Prep | Equip | Build
Foundation of a Reconciling Community
Gain relational skills to address the complicated emotions of fear, anger, shame, and grief which often arise in the work of racial healing and reconciliation.

Prep | Equip | Build
Pillars of a Reconciling Community
Gain shared knowledge and language to cultivate a shared vision of reconciliation

Prep | Equip | Build
Action Plan for a Reconciling Community
Discern strategic next steps towards becoming a more reconciling community.