Home / Organizational Change / Action Plan for a Reconciling Community

Action Plan for a Reconciling Community

Discern strategic next steps towards becoming a reconciling community

Workshop Summary

This workshop helps leadership teams understand the unique challenges, context, and opportunities their organization faces as they seek to implement the changes needed to build a more reconciling community.

A key piece of this workshop is reviewing the data received from the Reconciling Community Survey—a tool that provides a strong understanding of your organization’s cultural climate, including the various experiences and opinions of those connected with your organization.

Action Plan for a Reconciling Community is highly contextualized to your organization and is led by two Arrabon facilitators who will help your team:

  • Understand common challenges that impede growth and change
  • Apply practical tools and best practices for maintaining a healthy and hospitable organizational culture
  • Develop a customized two-year strategic plan for your organization to become a more reconciling community

Cultivating a Space for Reconciliation

Arrabon workshops cultivate a space for reconciliation and transformation by grounding our content in Scripture, prayer practices, and trauma-informed principles of engagement. 

IN-PERSON: 2 days

Live Online

  ONLINE: 6 weeks,
90 min/week
IN-PERSON: 2 days

Group Rates $1500+

Empower your team for transformation

Strengthen your leadership and transform your organization with the help of our team training.

Create lasting cultural change

Discover ways to innovate and create together towards reconciliation.

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